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A Message from the Founders



When we opened K. Anthony’s doors in 1971, our objective then, as it is today, entailed nurturing young minds. We placed strong emphasis on creativity, responsibility, love, and understanding. Today, we remain focused on these objectives. We remain committed to meeting each child’s social as well as academic needs.


With today’s rapidly changing lifestyles, it is necessary that we reeducate our minds in order to better understand and meet the changing needs of all children. “Each one must teach one.”


Our aim is to inspire, assist, guide, and teach each child to accept responsibility for his own actions and refrain from blaming others.


Although, we will always strive to play an important role in influencing the lives of our children, we acknowledge that without parental support and involvement, we cannot successfully achieve our goals. We realize that the parent is the most important teacher in the emotional, physical and spiritual development of children.


             Working together, we will achieve our objectives and continue to produce some of the finest students in the educational school system.


We ask your blessings as we continue to provide the type of guidance that will comprehensively enhance the growth processes of our children.






                             Mr & Mrs Johnson


















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